Selasa , 18 Sep 2018, 00:51 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf optimistic majority of Muslims to support him
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice presidential candidate KH Ma'ruf Amin has expressed optimism that the majority of Muslims in the country would support incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and him...
Jumat , 07 Sep 2018, 17:18 WIB
Kiai Ma’ruf does not dare to ask blessing from Arifin Ilham
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice presidential candidate of presidential candidate President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), KH Ma’ruf Amin officially asked for blessing and support from members of Az-Zikra mosque's congregation. He conveyed his wish during a preach on Friday prayer (Sept 7). “Incidentally I give preach here and I'm also a member of Az Zikra Sharia Council and ulema,” said Kiai...
Jumat , 31 Aug 2018, 03:45 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf to hand over rais aam post to Kiai Miftahul
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice presidential candidate for incumbent President...