Sabtu , 11 Oct 2014, 22:23 WIB
Kutai targets 500 thousand hectares for palm plantation

Senin , 11 Aug 2014, 17:45 WIB
Sago plantation and processing industry to get incentives

Kamis , 07 Aug 2014, 13:19 WIB
Minister: 2 million hectares of palm oil plantations in Riau without license

Selasa , 29 Apr 2014, 12:08 WIB
East Kalimantan offers investment in plantation sector

Rabu , 12 Feb 2014, 18:00 WIB
Malaysia: No help for companies setting fire in Indonesian forest

Selasa , 21 Jan 2014, 16:31 WIB
Floods disrupt transportation, but rice stocks sufficient

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 17:01 WIB
Rice harvest delayed due to bad weather

Kamis , 16 Jan 2014, 10:01 WIB
Indonesia exports 21.2 million tons of palm oil in 2013

Rabu , 15 Jan 2014, 12:20 WIB
CPO price falls in South Sumatra

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 06:11 WIB
Govt providing price incentives to soybean farmers

Rabu , 08 Jan 2014, 08:07 WIB
Govt sets food production target to anticipate imports

Selasa , 07 Jan 2014, 18:01 WIB
Minister reminds nation of food import threat in 2014

Three state-owned companies to utilize idle land
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GRESIK - Three state-owned companies will collaborate on idle land utilizing projects. Those three companies work in plantation sector (PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) X), cement production (PT Semen Indonesia) and postal service (PT Pos Indonesia). PTPN X will utilize an area of 199 hectares which owned by Semen Indonesia in Bangkalan regency, Madura. The state-owned plantation company wants to...