Senin , 28 Apr 2014, 17:04 WIB
Razia Polisi Ceko, Sekretaris I RI Sempat Ditahan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PRAHA -- Sekretaris pertama Republik Indonesia ikut ditahan dalam penggrebekan kepolisian Ceko di Islamic Centre Praha. Saat itu, Wahono Yuliano bersama dengan karyawan kedutaan lainnya tengah menghadiri doa...
Kamis , 02 Jan 2014, 09:11 WIB
Palestinian envoy killed by explosion at Prague home
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PRAGUE -- The Palestinian ambassador to Prague was killed on Wednesday in an explosion that was triggered when he opened the door to a safe, Czech police said.Jamal al-Jamal, 56, died in hospital after the incident at his home on the morning of New Year's Day."According to information from the investigation so far, this was definitely not a...
Senin , 29 Apr 2013, 19:57 WIB
Powerful blast injures up to 40 in Prague
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PRAGUE - A powerful explosion badly damaged an...