Rabu , 28 Oct 2020, 19:29 WIB
Jokowi: Merger of Islamic Banks to Wake Sleeping Giant

Sabtu , 30 Dec 2017, 22:59 WIB
Jokowi Strolls Along Yogyakarta's Malioboro Street

Sabtu , 30 Dec 2017, 21:39 WIB
Single-Price Fuel Program to Continue Despite Difficulties

Rabu , 09 Aug 2017, 19:00 WIB
Constitution ensures there is no absolute power: Jokowi

Selasa , 08 Aug 2017, 22:52 WIB
I'm not a dictator: President Jokowi

Selasa , 25 Jul 2017, 21:16 WIB
Jokowi urges TNI and Police to maintain solidity

Rabu , 28 Jun 2017, 23:41 WIB
Jokowi back at Jakarta after Eid

Selasa , 27 Jun 2017, 00:18 WIB
Jokowi witnesses distribution of food package in home town

Jumat , 23 Jun 2017, 07:27 WIB
Jokowi to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Jakarta

Sabtu , 29 Apr 2017, 15:15 WIB
President Jokowi attends opening ceremony of ASEAN summit

Kamis , 06 Apr 2017, 08:56 WIB
Lower educational budget leads to fatal impact in the future: Commission X

Senin , 27 Mar 2017, 19:58 WIB
President urges HIPMI to actively promote economic equality

Expenditure on cigarettes constitutes second-biggest spending in poor families
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The second-biggest expenditure of poor families in the country is on cigarettes, according to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "The information I have indicates that spending on cigarettes is the second-biggest expenditure of poor households. Poor families prefer spending on cigarettes rather than buying nutritious food," the head of state noted at a limited cabinet meeting held...

Kamis , 16 Feb 2017, 16:22 WIB
President Jokowi receives courtesy call from Saudi Arabia's Shura Council

Kamis , 09 Feb 2017, 04:04 WIB
Banning the 112 rally indicates political tendency of the police: Observer

Kamis , 09 Feb 2017, 00:16 WIB
Jokowi warns against any disruption ahead of regional elections

Kamis , 26 Jan 2017, 05:20 WIB
Indonesia conducive for economic growth: President

Rabu , 25 Jan 2017, 21:03 WIB
President reminds police of growing complex challenges

Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 20:20 WIB
South Sumatra braces for new waves of forest fires

Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 01:30 WIB
President urges revocation of companies triggering forest fires

Rabu , 18 Jan 2017, 04:20 WIB
Sultan of Tidore writes an open letter to Jokowi

Senin , 16 Jan 2017, 20:06 WIB
Japan calls on Indonesia to maintain regional peace

Senin , 16 Jan 2017, 18:33 WIB
President praises amphibious version of Anoa armored vehicle

Senin , 16 Jan 2017, 09:00 WIB
Jokowi discloses the importance of cooperation with Japan

Senin , 16 Jan 2017, 08:15 WIB
Jokowi pledges to launch large scale land reform

Jumat , 23 Dec 2016, 02:55 WIB
Indonesia eyes two oil fields in Iran

Jumat , 23 Dec 2016, 02:39 WIB
President calls for evaluation of Indonesia's membership in 233 int'l organizations

Jokowi sings educational songs with children in Pidie Jaya
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo took time to revisit the earthquake victims in Pidie jaya, Aceh, before turning back to Jakarta after a visit in Iran, Thursday (12/15). The president, accompanied by the First Lady Iriana, greeted the children in the al Istiqomah evacuation post, Meureudu, Trienggadeng, Pidie Jaya. At the camp, the President and the First Lady...

Jumat , 11 Nov 2016, 19:25 WIB
President visits military and police headquarters to ensure officers' loyalty

Rabu , 17 Aug 2016, 16:56 WIB
President invites inspirational figures to Merdeka Palace

Selasa , 16 Aug 2016, 14:10 WIB
Indonesia govt focuses on three important issues

Selasa , 16 Aug 2016, 13:26 WIB
Jokowi asks leaders of state to heed public criticism

Jumat , 29 Jul 2016, 05:40 WIB
Setnov Janjikan Golkar Berjuang Menangkan Jokowi

Kamis , 14 Apr 2016, 13:10 WIB
Indonesia launches national movement to preserve flora and fauna

Rabu , 17 Feb 2016, 19:16 WIB
Jokowi lauds Indonesian security personnel

Ahad , 07 Feb 2016, 18:32 WIB
President tells ministries to be informative

Sabtu , 12 Dec 2015, 06:42 WIB
President launches national 4G service

Jumat , 28 Aug 2015, 04:35 WIB