Kamis , 26 May 2016, 20:25 WIB
Transjakarta officially open new routes to Tangerang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Transjakarta opening two service of integration services Tangerang-Jakarta and began on Thursday (26/5). Two routes are from Terminal of Poris Plawad to Bundaran Senayan and Pasar Baru.President...
Senin , 25 Apr 2016, 17:33 WIB
Transjakarta opens six new routes
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta) has started six new routes covering Jakarta to Bekasi and the University of Indonesia, Depok.Spokesperson of PT Transjakarta Prasetia Budi stated in a press release here on Monday that the Bus Rapid Transit operator will ply five single buses on each route during the initial phase.The new routes are Bekasi MM-Hotel Indonesia,...
Sabtu , 08 Feb 2014, 16:39 WIB
Tigerair Mandala cuts 11 flight routes
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia-Singapore joint venture airlines, Tigerair Mandala...
Selasa , 28 Jan 2014, 07:31 WIB
Lion Air opens new routes from Batam
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATAM -- Lion Air plans to open international...