Ahad , 13 Jun 2021, 14:18 WIB
Dokter: Mengunyah Makanan Sebaiknya Seimbang Dua Sisi Mulut
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mengunyah makanan sebaiknya dilakukan secara seimbang di kedua sisi mulut. Kebiasaan hanya mengunyah di satu sisi bisa berdampak terhadap kebersihan mulut. Dokter spesialis konservasi gigi dari Rumah Sakit...
Ahad , 07 Feb 2016, 20:02 WIB
Zika found in saliva, urine in Brazil
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RIO DE JANEIRO -- Authorities in Brazil said on Friday Zika has been detected in patients' saliva and urine, adding to the concern over the spread of the virus, while U.S. officials offered new guidance on sex for people returning from Zika-hit regions.Zika, linked to thousands of birth defects in Brazil, is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites, but...