Kamis , 30 May 2024, 21:03 WIB
BI Kaltim Gelar Halal Festival Tingkatkan Literasi Ekonomi Syariah
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- Bank Indonesia Kantor Perwakilan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (BI Kaltim) menggelar Kaltim Halal Festival (Kalafest) untuk meningkatkan literasi ekonomi dan keuangan syariah, karena potensi perkembangan subsektor ini dinilai sangat...
Sabtu , 16 Dec 2017, 12:07 WIB
Interest growing in sharia banking industry: OJK
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of the sharia bank department of the Financial Service Authority (OJK) Ahmad Soekro Tratmono said the interest shown by the people in sharia banking is growing. The increase is reflected by the number of sharia bank accounts, which rose to 26.57 million in October 2017 up from 23.45 million accounts in Dec. 2016. The numbers of accounts are...
Senin , 22 Aug 2016, 23:21 WIB
Sharia banking keeps growing in Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- The Sharia banking in Indonesia...
Ahad , 29 Nov 2015, 06:04 WIB
OJK: Two investors interested in Indonesian sharia banking
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Although Indonesian economic condition was slowing...
Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 16:04 WIB
Islamic banking industry grows 23 percent
REPUBLIKA, JAKARTA -- Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Agus...