Sabtu , 23 Dec 2023, 11:36 WIB
MES Chairman Erick Thohir appreciated Gibran discussing SGIE

Ahad , 10 Dec 2023, 19:21 WIB
Sharia Economy becomes a motor for economic growth

Rabu , 29 Nov 2023, 07:27 WIB
Vice President: Sharia Economy Balancing Inequality

Selasa , 11 Dec 2018, 18:45 WIB
Indonesia should catch up in sharia economy development

Jumat , 09 Nov 2018, 00:10 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf believes sharia economy to grow further

Kamis , 01 Nov 2018, 02:15 WIB
My interest is only to strenghten the people: Ma'ruf

Kamis , 20 Sep 2018, 01:15 WIB
Govt to complete roadmap for sharia economy later this year

Jumat , 03 Aug 2018, 17:45 WIB
BI encourages Sumatra to be regional sharia economic hub

Selasa , 06 Feb 2018, 03:55 WIB
Indonesia has great sharia finance potential: President

Sabtu , 16 Dec 2017, 12:07 WIB
Interest growing in sharia banking industry: OJK

Senin , 27 Nov 2017, 18:55 WIB
Banda Aceh to establish sharia financial institution

Rabu , 13 Sep 2017, 03:18 WIB
Market share for national Islamic finance still low: IAIE

Global sharia finance assets to reach 3.5 trillion US dollar in 2021
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- During the last few years, Islamic economy showed rapid development encouraged by the global middle class of Muslims population growth. The global Islamic finance assets was predicted to reach 3.5 trillion US dollar in 2021 with the current assets reached 2 trillion US dollar in 2015. "The value would increase with big potency of global Islamic financial sector,"...