Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 00:24 WIB
US sending missiles, drone to Iraq: NY Times

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 10:26 WIB
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 07:25 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Amerika Serikat mengirim puluhan rudal dan pesawat pengintai tak berawak ke Irak untuk membantu memerangi lonjakan kekerasan yang didukung Al Qaida baru-baru ini, kata seorang pejabat...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 07:15 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- The United States is sending Iraq dozens of missiles and surveillance drones to help combat a recent surge there in Al-Qaeda-backed violence, a State Department official said Thursday.The official confirmed a New York Times report about the weapons shipment.The daily said 75 Hellfire missiles were purchased by Iraq and delivered by Washington last week.The State Department...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 05:22 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan on Thursday said it would...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 02:46 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Amerika Serikat mengirimkan puluhan rudal dan...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 00:39 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan hari Kamis menyatakan akan mengajukan...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 00:24 WIB
Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 10:26 WIB