Molybdenum-99 is essential in helping doctors to map the spread of cancer, track blood flow to heart muscles and other potentially life-saving medical procedures. (illustrataion)

Smoking after cancer diagnostic ups death risk

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Men who continued to smoke after being diagnosed with cancer had an increased risk of death compared with those who quit smoking, U.S. researchers said Friday.The new research, published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, showed it is not too late to stop smoking after cancer diagnosis,...

Women activists hold an anti-smoking campaign in Jakarta, on May 26 or few day before World No Tobacco Day on Friday. The poster says

Jumat , 31 May 2013, 21:06 WIB

No cigarette advertising in World No Tobacco Day

Cigarettes (illustration)

Kamis , 11 Apr 2013, 20:16 WIB

Sorry... no smoking in Bali

Smoking increases the risk of TB infection. (illustration)

Senin , 01 Apr 2013, 00:52 WIB

Smoking makes Indonesians more prone to TB

No-smoking sign shows in a commuter line (illustration).

Senin , 08 Oct 2012, 21:45 WIB

Jakarta smokers demand smoking room

Tobacco farmers in Pamekasan, Madura (illustration)

Kamis , 05 Jul 2012, 22:36 WIB

Tobacco farmers and govt meet

Tobacco farmers rally outside the office of Ministry of Health on Tuesday.

Selasa , 03 Jul 2012, 18:11 WIB

Tobacco farmers hold a rally against the bill

No-smoking sign shows in a commuter line (illustration).

Kamis , 19 Apr 2012, 19:32 WIB

Govt prepares new move to reduce smoking habit