Kamis , 04 Mar 2021, 00:10 WIB
Mother and Her Baby in Aceh Imprisoned for the ITE Law

Ahad , 20 Sep 2020, 18:41 WIB
Jadikan Media Sosial TempatĀ Meningkatkan Kualitas Diri

Jumat , 12 Jul 2019, 07:48 WIB
Mau Sukses Diterima jadi Social Media Specialist? Lakukan Ini sebelum Kamu Wawancara Kerja

Kamis , 27 Jun 2019, 15:40 WIB
Hoaxes news on social media falls: minister

Jumat , 04 Jan 2019, 04:35 WIB
Avoid hoaxes, blasphemy ahead 2019 election: Jokowi

Jumat , 04 Jan 2019, 03:30 WIB
E Java Police shut down thousands of social media accounts

Sabtu , 24 Nov 2018, 01:15 WIB
Big loss if political differences harms brotherhood: Jokowi

Senin , 12 Nov 2018, 16:10 WIB
Jokowi asks people to switch from hate speech to true speech

Jumat , 02 Nov 2018, 15:00 WIB
Jokowi calls on millenials to use social media well

Rabu , 25 Jul 2018, 07:45 WIB
Govt prepares ways to block distribution of negative content

Selasa , 08 May 2018, 20:21 WIB
Minister calls to fight negative content on social media

Jumat , 04 May 2018, 19:04 WIB
Misuse of technology could trigger conflicts: Jusuf Kalla

Zulkifli Hasan urges netizens to maintain diversity
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has urged netizens to increase the people's understanding of diversity through the content they upload on cyberspace. "Social media is an effective medium to convey messages to the audience," Hasan stated in a press statement received here on Monday. People can use social media to maintain unity and to...

Rabu , 07 Jun 2017, 19:00 WIB
MUI's fatwa may avoid social destruction: NU

Senin , 01 May 2017, 19:16 WIB
President Jokowi urges ASEAN youth to use social media for peace

Kamis , 23 Mar 2017, 21:12 WIB
Do not get provoked by hoaxes about human organ trafficking: Police Chief

Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 02:49 WIB
Counteracting Radicalism in Social Media

Sabtu , 07 Jan 2017, 08:00 WIB
'Blockage should be the last solution to restrain hate speech'

Sabtu , 07 Jan 2017, 00:03 WIB
Kemenkominfo to declare antihoax society

Kamis , 05 Jan 2017, 04:30 WIB
House supports establishment of National Cyber Agency

Rabu , 04 Jan 2017, 01:03 WIB
Hidayat Nur Wahid calls people to rely on data and evidence to criticize

Rabu , 04 Jan 2017, 00:50 WIB
Fake news harms people: Minister

Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 01:06 WIB
IS recruits followers through social media
Rabu , 12 Oct 2016, 23:00 WIB
ACLU: U.S. police used social media data to track protesters

Senin , 19 Sep 2016, 21:47 WIB
Jokowi is sad to see degradation of Indonesian values

Animal Indonesia uses social media to save wildlife
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Environmental Organization Animal Indonesia uses social media to communicate and disseminate its message as part of its efforts to save protected wild animals from falling prey to illegal trade."Our drive targets youngsters and students, which is why we resort to social media platforms for campaigning," said Animal Indonesia's CEO, Suwarno, in Jakarta, on Monday.He underlined that...

Jumat , 25 Dec 2015, 03:54 WIB
Joint initiative by UAE, US launches social media campaign againts ISIS

Ahad , 29 Nov 2015, 08:34 WIB
Luhut: Social media must be controlled

Rabu , 18 Nov 2015, 22:34 WIB
Jokowi concerns over objectionable social media comments

Kamis , 23 Oct 2014, 17:52 WIB
Wow... Zuckerberg speaks Chinese, Beijing students cheer

Sabtu , 24 May 2014, 21:32 WIB
Twitter to take India election innovations global

Kamis , 24 Apr 2014, 10:46 WIB
Bisnis Iklan Dongkrak Pendapatan Facebook

Sabtu , 19 Apr 2014, 02:07 WIB
Erdogan challenges social media in top Turkish court

Ahad , 06 Apr 2014, 17:47 WIB
KPU Akui Tak Bisa Kontrol Media Sosial

Rabu , 02 Apr 2014, 18:19 WIB
Anjlok di Survei, PKS Unggul di Media Sosial

Rabu , 02 Apr 2014, 18:10 WIB