Rabu , 25 May 2016, 20:57 WIB
Three residents arrested for hunting Sumatran tiger

Selasa , 29 Mar 2016, 20:25 WIB
Three Sumatran tigers reported to have attacked villager in Jambi

Senin , 10 Aug 2015, 18:33 WIB
Conservation board to raise population of Sumatran tiger
Senin , 23 Feb 2015, 19:05 WIB
Sumatran Tiger mauls farmer to death in Bengkulu
Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 10:50 WIB
Wow... 44 countries support Tiger Manifesto program

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 03:05 WIB
Several countries support Sumatran Tiger conservation
Sabtu , 21 Sep 2013, 11:44 WIB
Police secure two sumatran tiger's skin sellers
Sabtu , 27 Apr 2013, 22:21 WIB
165 Sumatran tigers live in Kerinci Seblat National Park
Jumat , 15 Feb 2013, 21:12 WIB
Rare Sumatran tiger cub born at San Francisco zoo
Ahad , 19 Aug 2012, 22:18 WIB
Tiger attacks employee of TSI to death
Senin , 16 Jul 2012, 21:00 WIB