
BPS: Tahun Ajaran Baru Sumbang Inflasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Suryamin mengatakan tahun ajaran baru sekolah menjadi salah satu penyumbang laju inflasi pada Agustus 2015 yang tercatat 0,39 persen."Sektor pendidikan, rekreasi dan olahraga merupakan komponen kelompok pengeluaran utama yang menyumbang inflasi di Agustus, karena mulai tahun ajaran baru di SD, SLTP dan SLTA," katanya, Selasa (1/9). Dengan inflasi pada Agustus tercatat...


Govt, house agree to lower 2015 economic growth assumption

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to lower economic growth assumption from 5.8 percent in the 2015 state budget to 5.7 percent in the draft 2015 revised state budget."The 5.7 percent growth is set with an extra effort after considering the budget expenditure and quantitative easing in Europe and...


Sabtu , 03 Jan 2015, 09:00 WIB

BPS: No significant drop in poverty rate


Jumat , 04 Jul 2014, 23:15 WIB

Indonesian democracy index affects investment

Wirausahawan (Ilustrasi)

Selasa , 06 May 2014, 06:37 WIB

BPS: Jumlah Wirausahawan Meningkat

Ketua BPS Suryamin

Jumat , 03 Jan 2014, 14:35 WIB

Oil and gas imports jump to 13.39 percent

Chairman of Statistics Indonesia, Suryamin, explains that inflation in February 2013 reaches 0.75 percent. During a session in Jakarta on Friday (March, 1), he says it is the highest percentage year over year in the last ten consecutive years.

Kamis , 02 Jan 2014, 13:30 WIB

National inflation reaches 8.38 percent in 2013

Ketua BPS Suryamin

Jumat , 02 Nov 2012, 00:27 WIB

Waspadai Impor dari Thailand

Ketua BPS Suryamin

Senin , 03 Sep 2012, 11:31 WIB

Lonjakan Inflasi Selama Puasa di Luar Perkiraan

Ketua BPS Suryamin

Selasa , 21 Feb 2012, 13:28 WIB

BPS Masih Godok Harga Kenaikan BBM