Selasa , 08 Dec 2015, 12:22 WIB
Sweden ready to supply technology of fighter jets to Indonesia

Rabu , 22 Apr 2015, 20:22 WIB
Indonesia and Sweden to support Palestinian development

Selasa , 10 Mar 2015, 15:00 WIB
Saudis block swedish Minister's speech at Arab League

Kamis , 20 Nov 2014, 20:39 WIB
Swedish appeals court upholds Assange detention

Sabtu , 18 Oct 2014, 11:20 WIB
A 'Suspicious underwater activity' investigated in Sweden

Rabu , 08 Oct 2014, 00:45 WIB
Sweden's Palestine statement signals start of weightier global role

Sabtu , 04 Oct 2014, 00:26 WIB
PM: Sweden to recognize Palestinian State

Sabtu , 03 May 2014, 09:11 WIB
Sweden sees lowest May temperature in 115 years

Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 17:11 WIB
Sweden suspends some aid to Uganda over anti-gay law

Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 18:50 WIB
Saab beats Boeing to $4.5bn Brazil jet fighter deal

Sabtu , 21 Dec 2013, 13:12 WIB
Sweden to loan Brazil fighter jets for 2016 Olympics

Senin , 10 Jun 2013, 02:03 WIB