Jumat , 18 Jan 2019, 16:30 WIB
Terrorism often sent from other countries: Prabowo

Jumat , 21 Dec 2018, 12:19 WIB
Police to anticipate sweep actions during X'mas, New Year

Selasa , 20 Nov 2018, 12:50 WIB
Radicalism must be wiped out: Ma'ruf Amin

Ahad , 11 Nov 2018, 05:02 WIB
Prevent infiltration of radicalism in universities' mosques

Jumat , 09 Nov 2018, 01:15 WIB
Terrorism is foe of Islam: Ryamizard

Rabu , 07 Nov 2018, 20:15 WIB
Cooperation among nations crucial to block terrorist funding

Rabu , 24 Oct 2018, 22:16 WIB
MUI calls on communities to prevent radicalism

Jumat , 19 Oct 2018, 19:00 WIB
Two suspected terrorists shot in North Sumatra

Rabu , 17 Oct 2018, 03:00 WIB
Ryamizard calls for intelligence cooperation

Kamis , 04 Oct 2018, 14:51 WIB
MUI forms counter-terrorism agency

Sabtu , 15 Sep 2018, 03:45 WIB
Empowerment prevents women from radicalism: Yenny Wahid

Kamis , 06 Sep 2018, 19:41 WIB
LPSK hands out compensation fund to terror attacks' victims

Bali police tighten security ahead of IMF-World Bank meeting
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Police in Bali have tightened security against infiltration of terrorist to the island. Bali will host the next annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in October this year."Bali police have set up a task force to detect possible infiltration of terrorists backed up by the police's anti terror squad (Densus...

Rabu , 27 Jun 2018, 16:00 WIB
PKS rejects radicalism, terrorism: Sohibul Iman

Selasa , 26 Jun 2018, 18:54 WIB
Densus 88 arrests 3 suspected terrorists in Gorontalo

Ahad , 24 Jun 2018, 14:00 WIB
Densus 88 shoots down two of three arrested terror suspects

Sabtu , 23 Jun 2018, 04:09 WIB
Aman's death penalty will not trigger terrorist action: BIN

Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 16:07 WIB
Aman Abdurahman sentenced to death

Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 14:24 WIB
Snipers guard Aman Abdurahman's trial

Kamis , 21 Jun 2018, 18:13 WIB
Densus 88 detains four people allegedly ISIS members

Sabtu , 16 Jun 2018, 09:45 WIB
Police arrest 110 terror suspects after Surabaya bombings

Sabtu , 16 Jun 2018, 07:00 WIB
IPB establishes leadership dorm to counter radicalism

Jumat , 08 Jun 2018, 06:10 WIB
Two suspected terrorists arrested in Jambi province

Jumat , 08 Jun 2018, 05:11 WIB
Deradicalization to continue: Jokowi

Kamis , 07 Jun 2018, 20:39 WIB
Don't joke about bomb in baggage, fliers warned

Govt to study new rules related radicalism at universities
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has studied new rules to prevent radicalism in the scope of universities. It was related to more massive dissemination of the understandings in educational institutions.The rules would focus on what universities should do to the students and environment on campuses. Therefore, all activities that...

Selasa , 05 Jun 2018, 18:23 WIB
Syafruddin urges campus to be wary of terrorism

Selasa , 05 Jun 2018, 07:02 WIB
Ministry to monitor students' social media

Ahad , 03 Jun 2018, 05:55 WIB
Recalibration of regional security important: Ryacudu

Jumat , 01 Jun 2018, 00:39 WIB
Police arrest 41 suspected terrorists linked to Sby bombings

Kamis , 31 May 2018, 19:04 WIB
Lion Air passenger set as suspect over bomb joke

Kamis , 31 May 2018, 17:32 WIB
Radicalism spread in social media, not only in campus: Nasir

Selasa , 29 May 2018, 04:00 WIB
Unair asks BNPT to reveal campus infiltrated with radicalism

Sabtu , 26 May 2018, 04:01 WIB
Athian Ali asks Muslim women with niqab to be patient

Jumat , 25 May 2018, 21:41 WIB