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Selasa , 29 Dec 2020, 02:48 WIB

Turki tak Wajibkan Warganya Divaksinasi Covid-19

Turki berusaha meyakinkan warganya tentang pentingnya vaksin untuk melawan virus korona, kata Menteri Kesehatan Fahrettin Koca - Anadolu Agency

Senin , 28 Dec 2020, 15:39 WIB

Turki tak Wajibkan Warganya Divaksinasi Covid

Qatar pada Rabu (23/12) memulai kampanye vaksinasi Covid-19 gratis bagi warga yang ingin divaksin, kata Kementerian Kesehatan Qatar.

Kamis , 24 Dec 2020, 01:00 WIB

Qatar Mulai Kampanye Vaksinasi Virus Corona Gratis


Selasa , 08 Dec 2020, 06:51 WIB

Waspada Hoaks Soal Vaksin Covid-19

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) explained something to the press

Ahad , 06 Dec 2020, 22:34 WIB

Jokowi: Good News from Indonesia, Vaccines Have Arrived

Breaking News: Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccine Arrives in Indonesia

Ahad , 06 Dec 2020, 22:09 WIB

Breaking News: Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccine Arrives in Indonesia

 Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso

Selasa , 10 Nov 2020, 17:14 WIB

OJK: Vaccine Procurement Gives Global Economy Trust

Vaksin Covid-19

Senin , 19 Oct 2020, 09:38 WIB

India Setujui Uji Coba Vaksin Covid-19 Rusia

Vaccine. (Illustration)

Selasa , 17 Jul 2018, 18:00 WIB

OIC seeks indigenous vaccines from Muslim countries

Bio Farma Chief Executive Rahman Rustan

Selasa , 20 Feb 2018, 16:00 WIB

Bio Farma supplies 70 percent of world's vaccine requirement


Kamis , 28 Apr 2016, 21:03 WIB

Charity urges price cut for pneumonia vaccine for poor children


Charity urges price cut for pneumonia vaccine for poor children

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- Global charity Medecins Sans Frontieres delivered a petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc on Wednesday, asking the drugmaker to slash the price of its pneumonia vaccine for poor children.Supporters of a proposal to cut the vaccine price to $5 U.S. per needy child took their petition, and a baby's...


Kamis , 28 Apr 2016, 21:03 WIB

Charity urges price cut for pneumonia vaccine for poor children


Selasa , 26 Apr 2016, 18:47 WIB

China bars vaccine sales by drug wholesalers after scandal

SARS virus

Senin , 23 Dec 2013, 18:27 WIB

China investigates after vaccine suspected in seven deaths

The new vaccine, oral rotavirus vaccine candidate, RV3, is aimed at reducing diseases and death from diarrhoeal disease. (Illustration)

Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 07:14 WIB

Vietnam launches first influenza vaccine factory

A medical worker shows vaccine made by Bio Farma. (file photo)

Sabtu , 15 Jun 2013, 22:12 WIB

Indonesia to host a forum of vaccine manufacturers of OIC countries

Avian influenza vaccine (illustration)

Ahad , 13 Jan 2013, 22:05 WIB

Govt prepares 25 million doses of vaccine to prevent avian flu

Health workers cull chickens including ducks in North Jakarta as a precaution measure to prevent the spread of avian influenza and its new variant, clade 2321. (illustration)

Rabu , 26 Dec 2012, 23:00 WIB

Avian flu causes 113,700 ducks died in three porvinces

Some senior high school students get vaccines for cervical cancer in Bali. (illustration)

Ahad , 23 Dec 2012, 00:45 WIB

26,000 Indonesian women suffer cervical cancer

Avian influenza vaccine (illustration)

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 20:10 WIB

A 4 year old child died because of avian influenza

A staff shows new vaccine made by Biofarma, recently.

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 20:35 WIB

Bio Farma exports vaccines for Muslim countries

A staff shows new vaccine made by Biofarma, recently.

Jumat , 02 Nov 2012, 19:32 WIB

WHO asks Bio Farma to scale up vaccine production

PT Bio Farma prioritizes the supply of vaccines for domestic needs instead of exporting the vaccines. (illustration)

Rabu , 31 Oct 2012, 21:05 WIB

Bio Farma prioritizes domestic demand

PT Bio Farma prioritizes the supply of vaccines for domestic needs instead of exporting the vaccines. (illustration)

Bio Farma prioritizes domestic demand

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUTA - A State-owned vaccine producer, PT Bio Farma, prioritized the supply of vaccines for domestic needs for helping in the success of the national immunization program, the corporate secretary said. "We will export vaccines only after we meet domestic demand," PT Bio Farma corporate secretary, Rahman Rustan said on Wednesday. According to him, the company`s vaccines have been provided...

PT Bio Farma prioritizes the supply of vaccines for domestic needs instead of exporting the vaccines. (illustration)

Rabu , 31 Oct 2012, 21:05 WIB

Bio Farma prioritizes domestic demand

Two doses of vaccine (illustration)

Selasa , 23 Oct 2012, 21:31 WIB

Indonesia to host Vaccine International Summit

Currently, there are 117 countries that use Bio Farma products and 11 product have been recognized by the World Health Organization. (illustration)

Sabtu , 19 May 2012, 22:40 WIB

WHO recognizes Bio Farma

Pentavalent vaccine is a combination of five different vaccines, namely diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae of type B. (Illustration)

Ahad , 25 Mar 2012, 17:00 WIB

Wow… Indonesia world`s fifth pentavalent vaccine producer

Bill Gates memberikan vaksin kepada seorang anak di Pusat Kesehatan Komunitas, Nigeria

Senin , 13 Jun 2011, 13:29 WIB

Kucurkan Rp 32 Triliun untuk Vaksin Anak Miskin, Bill Gates: Bantu Saya Selamatkan Jutaan Nyawa