Pesantren Alumni Remind Organizers of Neutral State Towards 2024 Election

Babakan Ciwaringin Pesantren alumni emphasize the importance of unity

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Facing the 2024 Election, Communication Assembly of Pondok Pesantren Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon Alumni (Makom Albab) voiced the importance of maintaining the integrity and progress of NKRI, Saturday (3/2/2024).
Rep: Lilis Sri Handayani Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREPUBLIKA.CO.ID REBON — Pondok Pesantren Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon Alumni Communication Assembly (Makom Albab) issued an official statement before the 2024 general election.

Baca Juga

They voiced the importance of maintaining the integrity and progress of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) amid the heated political temperature ahead of the elections.

Chief Executive of Makom Albab, Juhana Zulfan, said state organizers must show sincerity, statehood, and neutrality in running this five-yearly democracy party.

“Neutrality is one of the keys to maintaining integrity in realizing direct, public, free, secret and fair elections,” Juhana, accompanied by Secretary General, Asep Shodiqin Maulana, said in a press release received by on Saturday (3/1/2024).

In addition, Makom Albab also highlighted the role of boarding school alumni to be able to care for harmony with the values of human existence. Not only during the election, but also after the election.

“We emphasize that the volunteerism and candor of boarding school alumni can be an inspiration for other elements of society, as a force of civil society to contribute to this nation and country,” said Pondok Pesantren Kebon Jambu Al-Islamy Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon alumni.

Juhana also invited the election contestants to take advantage of the election period in integrity with the beauty of democracy. If you want to convey a political vision and mission, it must be done in a polite and civilized manner.

“We hope that the election contestants can be spared from dirty politics, or fraud that could have an impact on the emergence of new catastrophes during or after the 2024 election,” he said.

Not only that, Makom Albab also reminded that the votes and choices of boarding school alumni have a huge impact on the future of the nation and the country.

For this reason, Makom Albab expressed its commitment to continue to maintain harmony, togetherness, and a safe and peaceful community post-election, as part of the responsibility of citizens.

“May Allah SWT always guide and guide all their steps and actions to realize a safe, stable, peaceful, sentosa, and baldatun thoyyibatun warabbun ghafur,” he said.

Secretary of Makom Albab, Asep Shodiqin Maulana, added that his party also invited all boarding school lodge alumni and the general public, to maintain unity and harmony amid the political dynamics of the Election.

He stated that the active involvement of boarding school alumni, in the election process and afterwards, can be a strong foundation for the sustainability of national and national life.

“We call for the 2024 election campaign to instill an attitude of integrity, to convey the vision of the political mission with manners and civility. We believe, that by putting forward these principles, the Election can go well and the outcome will bring great benefits to our nation and country,” he said.

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