Senin 23 Mar 2020 00:03 WIB

Coronavirus Cases Increasing in Indonesia

Covid-19 positive cases in Indonesia increased by 64 cases to 514, 48 dead.

Rep: Desy Suciati Saputri/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Officers are spraying disinfectant liquid in the area of ​​Trans Metro Bandung bus in Cicaheum Terminal, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. The death toll of coronavirus is increasing in Indonesia.
Foto: Republika/Abdan Syakura
Officers are spraying disinfectant liquid in the area of ​​Trans Metro Bandung bus in Cicaheum Terminal, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. The death toll of coronavirus is increasing in Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Covid-19 positive cases in Indonesia increased by 64 cases to 514 people on Sunday (March, 22, 2020). The number of deaths also jumped by 10 people to 48.

"There are additional cases of recovery, nine negative results have been tested twice as many as 29 people," said Government Spokesperson for Handling Covid-19, Achmad Yurianto, Sunday in Jakarta.

The addition of 64 new cases came from province of DKI Jakarta (40), West Java (4), Central Java (1), East Java (15), South Kalimantan (1), Maluku (1), and most recently Papua (2).

Those data had been submitted to the Head of the Provincial Health Office and then proceeded to the hospital. 

"This information has been reported to each regional head," said Yuri.

Yuri reminded the importance of carrying out community-based social restrictions. The government hopes that people will supervise each other to avoid the spread of covid-19.

Indonesia is also preparing additional hospitals and starting covid-19 rapid tests. "These drugs are prescribed by doctors, based on indications given by doctors," Yuri explained.

3 Doctors Died infected with corona virus

Three doctors reportedly died as a result of exposure to the Corona virus on Saturday (3/22).  Based on information compiled by Antara, two doctors had received treatment at Persahabatan Hospital, while one other doctor breathed his last at Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.

"I haven't got the data yet, but later the details will be conveyed by the President Director," said the Head of Public Relations of Persahabatan Hospital Eryuni Yanti when contacted by Antara in Jakarta on Sunday (3/22).

The news of the death of one of the doctors had been uploaded by Pandu Priono through his Twitter account. In his tweet uploaded on Saturday (3/21) night, he mentioned that doctor Djoko Judodjoko was suspected of being exposed to Covid-19 when handling patients infected with a similar virus.

On Friday (20/3), DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that dozens of medical personnel in Jakarta were positively corona. Anies said there were 25 medical workers who were positive about Covid-19, one of whom died.

"If we want our brothers to be free, then stay at home," Anies Baswedan said when giving a press statement, Friday (3/20).

Anies revealed currently some people circulating photographs of the doctor and medical's team written: "Let us fight in the hospital, your part is staying at home". 

That, explained Anies, was a very strong message. "Let's obey."

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