Jumat 12 Apr 2024 20:29 WIB

Jasa Marga Imbau Pemudik Avoid Lebaran Backflow Peak Time 2024

Realization of homecoming flow until April 11, 2024 reaches 1.5 million vehicles.

A number of traffic vehicles inspect the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate, West Java, Monday (8/4/2024). In H-2 Lebaran 2024, the flow of vehicles passing through the Cikampek Utama toll gate was observed to be very smooth. On the other hand, the volume of vehicles passing at GT Cikampek Utama entrance substation comes from Jakarta towards Palimanan.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
A number of traffic vehicles inspect the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate, West Java, Monday (8/4/2024). In H-2 Lebaran 2024, the flow of vehicles passing through the Cikampek Utama toll gate was observed to be very smooth. On the other hand, the volume of vehicles passing at GT Cikampek Utama entrance substation comes from Jakarta towards Palimanan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk appealed to residents to avoid the peak time of Lebaran 2024 backflow predicted to occur on Saturday (13/4/2024) to Monday (15/4/2024), so as not to get stuck in a long traffic jam when returning from hometown.

“We estimate that today there are still about 206,000 vehicles that have not made the return journey. This amount represents 11.7 percent of Jasa Marga's total prediction of vehicles passing through the four main toll gates,” said Jasa Marga President Director Subakti Syukar in Jakarta, Friday (12/4/2024).

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He said the total traffic on the return trip would return together towards Jabotabek in a fairly short time in a period of reverse flow predicted to peak on Monday, (15/4/2024).

He explained that the volume of traffic returning or exiting Jakarta in the period from Lebaran H-7 to H+1 Lebaran, namely on April 3 to April 11, 2024 reached 1.5 million vehicles.

“This number is an increase of 45.6 percent compared to a normal day and an increase of 0.8 percent compared to Lebaran 2023,” he said.

He said the vehicle data was recorded exiting Jakarta through four major toll gates, namely GT Cikampek Utama, GT Kalihurip Utama, GT Ciawi, and GT Cikupa.

“Seeing the potential of the movement, Jasa Marga prepared a number of anticipation of reverse flow services based on the results of the evaluation of homecoming services,” he said.

According to him, anticipation is made by improving traffic services, transaction services, preservation services, rest area services, and technology-based services.

“In order to monitor the traffic volume and the maximum capacity that the expressway can accommodate, Jasa Marga uses radar-based Traffic Counting technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based CCTV Analytic,” he said.

In addition, he continued, this data and information is integrated in the Jasa Marga Integrated Digital Map (JID) super-app that is utilized by stakeholders as decision makers especially in traffic engineering to optimize the capacity of expressways in order to avoid vehicle pile-up.

“In order to realize a smooth, safe, and comfortable reverse flow journey Jasa Marga will also continue to collaborate with relevant stakeholders such as Korlantas Polri, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of state-owned enterprises, and other Toll Road Enterprises,” he said.

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