Selasa 26 Nov 2013 18:27 WIB

Security stepped up at Australian consulate in Denpasar

Earlier, the National Police Chief General Sutarman instructs his subordinates to tighten security at every Australian representative office throughout Indonesia.  (photo file)
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Earlier, the National Police Chief General Sutarman instructs his subordinates to tighten security at every Australian representative office throughout Indonesia. (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - The Denpasar Police office has stepped up security at the Australian consulate general in Denpasar, Bali, amidst rising tensions between Indonesia and the neighboring nation over the wire-tapping row.

"We are conducting security checks openly and covertly," Adjunct Commissioner Ida Bagus Made Sarjana said on Tuesday.

The number of security personnel has been increased and they will be stationed at the consulate generals office indefinitely. Earlier, the National Police Chief General Sutarman had instructed his subordinates to tighten security at every Australian representative office throughout Indonesia.

According to a posting on, the Australian government had issued a travel advisory to its citizens on Nov. 21, asking them to "exercise a high degree of caution" if they intended to visit Indonesia. 
Documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that in 2009, Australias Defense Signals Directorate had wire-tapped the personal mobile phones of both President Yudhoyono and his wife, Kristiani Herawati, as well as eight others in the Presidents inner circle, including Vice President Boediono.

The Indonesian government had recalled its ambassador to Australia as a mark of strong protest over the illegal wire-tapping activities conducted by Australian surveillance agencies. President Yudhoyono also ordered the suspension of several cooperation programs with Australia. These cooperation programs include the exchange of intelligence information, joint military exercises, and military operations aimed at curbing human trafficking.

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