Senin 02 Jun 2014 19:37 WIB

Switzerland to open consulate in Makassar

City of Makassar in South Sulawesi (file photo)
City of Makassar in South Sulawesi (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR - The Embassy of Switzerland is ready to open a consulate office in Makassar for its working area in Sulawesi and Maluku, according to Swiss Ambassador to Indonesia Heinz Walker Nederkoorn.

"We will open the consulate office in Makassar on June 2, 2014 to strengthen our relation in trade and tourism, particularly in the areas of Sulawesi and Maluku," Nederkoorn said recently.

He noted that Makassar was the proper city for Swiss consulate office because it is the gateway to eastern Indonesia and the center of largest cocoa production in Indonesia. According to him, it was reasonable to open the consulate office in Makassar because of already existing cooperation between Switzerland and Indonesia in the field of trade and tourism.

"We have just had a consulate office in Bali, and therefore we want to open a new one in Makassar, the gateway to eastern part of Indonesia and the largest cocoa production center," the Swiss envoy said.

He added that with the consulate office in Makassar, all administrations related to trade and tourism could be done there rather than in Jakarta.

"Following the opening of consulate office in Makassar, the relations between Switzerland and the areas in eastern part of Indonesia will getting stronger," he said.

Switzerland has been represented since 1952 in Indonesia, where it has above all been engaged in development cooperation with the volume of trade between the two countries has recently taken a positive turn.

sumber : Antara
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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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