Rabu 30 Oct 2013 15:02 WIB

Demand for halal beauty products rises

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Milad ke-23 LPPOM MUI dan Workshop Halal Internasional
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Milad ke-23 LPPOM MUI dan Workshop Halal Internasional "Indonesia's Role for Strenghtening Global Halal" di Jakarta (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Demand for halal beauty products or halal cosmetics rises in Indonesia. Analysts explained the trend that people are interested to something unique and halal certified. Development of halal cosmetics is also in line with development of other Islamic institutions.

Islamic economic observer, Agustianto explained that phenomenon today showed that certain communities searched for halal products. Wardah Cosmetic, one of halal cosmetic manufacturers in Indonesia, recorded high growth with a turnover of 75 percent over the last four years. In fact, Nielsen survey previously showed that the growth number was only 15 percent per year or 60 percent in four years.

"Cosmetic industry still has small players. This is a momentum for Wardah. Wardah Cosmetic is an Islamic symbol," Agustianto said on Wednesday.

Brand and Product Development Coordinator of Wardah, Alif Kartika admitted that growth of company reached 80 percent per year. Wardah experiences significant growth in the last five years as its products using halal label, natural ingredients and safe.

Chief of Food and Drug Analysis Agency (LPPOM) in Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI), Lukmanul Hakim said that socialization and education related to the use of halal products made by MUI quite successful. The use of halal cosmetics is new phenomenon in Indonesia.

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