Senin 04 Nov 2013 19:57 WIB

Hijri New Year, a momentum to be a developed nation

Rep: Rosita Budi Suryaningsih/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (tengah) dan Wakil Presiden Boediono menunaikan shalat ied di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta (ilustrasi)
Foto: Antara/Fanny Octavianus
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (tengah) dan Wakil Presiden Boediono menunaikan shalat ied di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA -- Today is the last day in the year 1434 Hijri. Tomorrow, we enter a new year of Hijri, with renewed spirit to make this nation a better Indonesia.

Muhammadiyah leader Anwar Abbas said, there is a need to interpret Hijri New Year as a momentum to enter a new era. "Hijri means to move," he told Republika on Monday (4/11).

Yes, the first day of Hijri set for the day the Prophet [PBUH] to emigrate, heading from Mecca to Medina.

"The Prophet moved away from Mecca, which filled with acts of injustice and moral decadence [of the population] to Medina al Munawwarah, a civilized city and irradiated with light to divinity," he explained.

For Indonesia, according to him, the momentum of the new Hijri year should serve as a moment to 'hijri-ise' the nation.

"Move this nation from a state of backwardness, depravity and decadence to a more civilized atmosphere and progress in all areas," said the lecturer at National Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah.

To that end, he called on the nation and the country to be aware intensively how to measure the progress and success of this nation.

"A developed nation not only measured quantitatively by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and per capita income, or economic growth figures," he said.

It is no less important is to be able to achieve the goal by improving moral aspect, etiquette and spirituality of each individual of the community.

"Because without it, the progresses which achieved by us, will be void and will not be meaningful. What is it for we got this and that when we were not happy and we don't have moral and noble spirit," he said.

On the commemoration of the New Year, he explained, it's a moment to teach us about the direction of the nation.

In the Hijri moment, it's clearly implied a command for us to work hard and seriously to advance this nation, in which there is also a warning that in doing so we are required to link and connect it with Allah SWT.

"Because that's how we'll actually be able to and can achieve our goals," he said.

Without it, then what we will get is a disaster and calamity, which would obviously nobody want it.

Ed: Heri Ruslan

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