Kamis 21 Nov 2013 15:36 WIB

Police women expected to use simple headscarves

Rep: Fuji Pratiwi/Dyah Ratna Meta Novia/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
A poliwoman with headscarf in UK
Foto: google.com
A poliwoman with headscarf in UK

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - Indonesia's national police have given the green light for policewomen to wear headscarves. National Police Chief Sutarman said that all policewomen who wished to wear the hijab on duty could now do so.

Bogor Police Chief, Com Bahtiar Ujang Purnama said said that he would follow the instruction and allow policewomen in Bogor to wear it. He asked policewomen to wear simple headscarves. It must match to color of police uniforms and not colorful. The use of headscarf also needs to be adapted to the task. 

"It must be simple headscarf without tassels. The essence of hijab is covering all other parts of body," Purnama said.

Member of Commission X in House of Representatives, Surahman Hidayat also appreciated National Police Chief's instruction. This is a positive step for a police agency. 

"It was the right decision in order to give freedom for Muslim policewomen to use headscarves. I appreciate it," Hidayat said.

Previously, a national police dress code in 2005 has prohibited policewomen from wearing the hijab or headscarf while on duty. It was applied to all provinces, except Aceh. 

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