Senin 05 Dec 2016 15:24 WIB

Blessing behind the closure of Patung Kuda area in 212 rally

Rep: Umar Mukhtar, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Super-peaceful rally 212: Aerial photo of the mass at the Bank Indonesia Roundabout near Horse Statue (West Medan Merdeka Street), Jakarta, on Friday (12/2).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Super-peaceful rally 212: Aerial photo of the mass at the Bank Indonesia Roundabout near Horse Statue (West Medan Merdeka Street), Jakarta, on Friday (12/2).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI), Muhammad Habib Rizieq Syihab, said that Aksi Bela Islam Jilid III which was held on Friday (2/12) was full of bless. According to him, there were so many unbelievable moments happened during the rally. 

He revealed one of the interesting moment for him. One of it was the closure of access from Horse Statue area (West Medan Merdeka Street) to the Merdeka Palace. For him, the closure of the street was very appropriate. If it was not closed, people would perform the Friday prayers beyond the limit.

“If we look at aerial photo, the position of imam is at sideways (with the tail aimed at Bundaran Hotel Indonesia). And then, the police close the access from Patung Kuda to the Palace,” he said on Sunday (12/4), when doing the evaluation of Aksi Super Damai 2 Desember. 

“Some people might disagree and asking why this road was closed. But if I see it, it is right to close the access to the street because there is actually a limit for the prayer’s row. If, for example, it was not closed, there will be some people who pray beyond the imam’s limit. It was clearly made the prayer unlawful." 

Rizieq saw the moment as Allah SWT's scenario. At first, the people didn’t realize the blessing behind the road closure. All things happened in Aksi Bela Islam III were blessing. It designed by Allah SWT. Another blessing is that millions of people join the rally peacefully.

“Millions of people came and there was no riot. It was the first time ever, not only in the history of Indonesia, but also the world. All of them aimed at defending the Quran and Islam,” he said. 

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