Kamis 03 Aug 2017 17:00 WIB

'Interfaith tolerance in Indonesia can serve a global model'

The preservation of Borobudur Temple, as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and Prambanan Temple, as the Hindus' place of worship, in a populous Muslim-majority country demonstrates that inter-religious and cultural tolerance are still highly revered in this country, Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin says.
Foto: Antara
The preservation of Borobudur Temple, as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and Prambanan Temple, as the Hindus' place of worship, in a populous Muslim-majority country demonstrates that inter-religious and cultural tolerance are still highly revered in this country, Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin says.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Interfaith tolerance practiced in Indonesia can serve as a model for the youth belonging to diverse religious backgrounds around the world, Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin stated.

Saifuddin made the statement at the opening of the 7th Asian Youth Day in Yogyakarta, Wednesday evening. 

"Indonesia deserves to be the world's model, especially in Asia, where the youth should learn how to respond to diversity," he remarked.

According to the minister, the preservation of Borobudur Temple, as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and Prambanan Temple, as the Hindus' place of worship, in a populous Muslim-majority country demonstrates that inter-religious and cultural tolerance are still highly revered in this country.

He expressed belief that on the similar lines, harmonious relations between Muslims and Catholics can be maintained.

"This is not just an imagination, but a real fact," Minister Saifuddin noted.

Diversity is, unquestionably, a necessity that cannot be avoided in any society. Through diversity, people complement and complete each other, not mutually negate human dignity and prestige.

"Religion is present precisely, so that we can imbibe positive values from pluralism and diversity," the minister said.

Under the theme of "Joyful Asian Youth, Living the Gospel, in Multicultural Asia," Asian Youth Day is a biennial gathering of Catholic youths in Asia, this year followed by 22 countries. 

Through the event, Minister Saifuddin expressed hope that Catholic youth would be able to emulate and promote the pattern of tolerance followed in Indonesia in their respective countries.

"Hopefully, this event will help them to not only harbor strong beliefs but to also hold dialog and integrate with people from different beliefs and cultures," he stated. 

sumber : Antara
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