Kamis 26 Apr 2018 00:20 WIB

Jokowi explains goal of the meeting with Alumni 212

Jokowi has met with the representatives of Alumni 212 on Sunday.

Rep: Debbie Sutrisno/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Aprillio Akbar
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted to have met with the representatives of clerics who attend the 212 rally. The meeting was held in the mosque of Bogor Presidential Palace on Sunday (April 22).

Jokowi said the meeting was an ordinary. He often met with a number of ulemas, in Jakarta, Bogor, and during a working visits to regions. He said the spirit of the meeting was to build friendship with the ulemas, habib, kiai, or ustaz across the country.

Through the meeting, Jokowi hoped the government and the ulemas could establish brotherhood (ukhuwah). He expected both parties could work together to solve issues in the community.

However, Jokowi did not answer when being questioned about cases that strangled the initiator of 212 rally Habib Rizieq Shihab. In a number of news, alumni 212 was said to have asked Jokowi to solve the cases outside the realm of laws.

"The meeting started with congregational Zuhr prayer then we talked over lunch and then the meeting ended," Jokowi replied at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, on Wednesday.

The meeting of Jokowi and representatives of Brotherhood of 212 Alumni at the mosque of Bogor Presidential Palace leaked online. In the photo, Jokowi appeared to walk in a green-carpet mosque along with ustaz Sobri Lubis, Slamet Maarif, Al-Khaththath, and Usamah Hisyam.

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