Kamis 01 Mar 2012 20:59 WIB

Wow… Imported fish hikes!

The government restrictis of fish product, that only sub-tropical fish is allowed to be imported. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Rosa Panggabean
The government restrictis of fish product, that only sub-tropical fish is allowed to be imported. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The percentage of fish import value in 2011 increases higher than its export. “We have to admit that import value in 2011 increased higher than its export. We should watch it. Indonesia should not be ‘adddicted’ to imported goods,” the Director General of fisheries product marketing and processing in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Saut Hutagalung, said on Thursday.

The export value in 2011 is 3.34 billion USD or increased 16.6 percent compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the import value in 2011 is 494 million USD and has increased 26.2 percent compared to previous year.

Hutagalung said export value from marine and fishery sectors in 2011 for the first time hit 3 billion USD. “We had been in two billion USD in 80s and 90s. We had never reached three billion USD,” he said.

The achievement in 2011 is considered special because there are two important events. The first one is the uncertain harvest season of fish catch that complicate the supply. The second is financial crisis inEurope and US in the third quarter of 2013 which may affect severely to Indonesia. 

“Many presume Indonesia will be affected, but in fact the export keeps increasing,” he said.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission IV Indonesian House of Representatives, Ibnu Multazam, said, the study of import is only from economic side while the scope includes social and culture sides. He reminds Indonesia not to be complacent to imported food because it could damage our food resilience. 


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