Jumat 04 May 2012 20:58 WIB

Indonesian Hospital in Gaza is continued

Rep: Indah Wulandari/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
RSI Gaza yang tengah dibangun di Distrik Bayt Lahiya, Gaza Utara, Palestina.
Foto: Dok MER-C Gaza
RSI Gaza yang tengah dibangun di Distrik Bayt Lahiya, Gaza Utara, Palestina.

REPUBLIKA.CO. ID, JAKARTA – The first phase of construction of Indonesian Hospital (RSI) in Gaza, Palestine, has finished on April 2012. The second phase is due to begin on June, including architectural work and electrical mechanic.

“We face new challenges,” Nur Ikhwan Abadi, a volunteer of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) in Gaza, said on Thursday.

He said the construction needed more materials from outside Gaza and delivered through Gaza tunnels. Yet, he said the team members were still optimistic. 

“We believe in God’s help. Initially RSI was only an imagination, but now it becomes true,” Abadi said.

Abadi said the construction of second phase was later than its plan due to the lack of fund, as they needed additional nine billion IDR from the original budget of 30 billion IDR. 

Abadi praised the role of charity and the support of Gazan government that contribute 16,000 meter square area as waqaf. Another support comes from Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, IHH. 

He said RSI project in Gaza played an important role to promote Indonesia in international stage. Some countries including Turkey and Malaysia also appreciated the RSI project.

The President of MER-C, Joserizal Jurnalis said the second phase of the construction was expected to be done by the end of this year. The next stage will be the provision of hospital equipment, which need 30 billion IDR. “We are optimistic that we can finish the construction of the hospital,” he said.


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