Sabtu 11 Aug 2012 23:00 WIB

Jakarta-Bangkok flight expected to boost cooperation

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Thailand's investment in Indonesia increases 800 percent in the last three years, including in infrastructure sector. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Thailand's investment in Indonesia increases 800 percent in the last three years, including in infrastructure sector. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANGKOK - A new flight route Jakarta-Bangkok served by Mandala Airlines incorporated with Tiger Airways is expected to boost the cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand. "Currently, the bilateral cooperation, such as business, trade, and investment, is not balance," Indonesian Ambassador to Thailand Lutfi Rauf said on Friday.

The new flight route is expected to bring new opportunities on the cooperation along with Southeast Asia Community on 2015.

"We will be single market and single based production," he said in a press conference. The flight is also targeted to bring many tourists from Thailand to Indonesia and vice versa.

He said that the cooperation must be increased as the volume of trade balance on the last couple years was dominated by Thailand. "In 2010, the trade balance of both countries reached 14 billion USD and increased to 17.4 billion USD in 2011. But, the surplus is in Thailand side," he said.

However, Thailand investment in Indonesia has been increased 800 percent in the last three years. Thailand, among Southeast Asia countries, sits in number three after Malaysia and Singapore as the biggest countries investing in Indonesia.

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يَسْتَفْتُوْنَكَۗ قُلِ اللّٰهُ يُفْتِيْكُمْ فِى الْكَلٰلَةِ ۗاِنِ امْرُؤٌا هَلَكَ لَيْسَ لَهٗ وَلَدٌ وَّلَهٗٓ اُخْتٌ فَلَهَا نِصْفُ مَا تَرَكَۚ وَهُوَ يَرِثُهَآ اِنْ لَّمْ يَكُنْ لَّهَا وَلَدٌ ۚ فَاِنْ كَانَتَا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَلَهُمَا الثُّلُثٰنِ مِمَّا تَرَكَ ۗوَاِنْ كَانُوْٓا اِخْوَةً رِّجَالًا وَّنِسَاۤءً فَلِلذَّكَرِ مِثْلُ حَظِّ الْاُنْثَيَيْنِۗ يُبَيِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ اَنْ تَضِلُّوْا ۗ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيْمٌ ࣖ
Mereka meminta fatwa kepadamu (tentang kalalah). Katakanlah, “Allah memberi fatwa kepadamu tentang kalalah (yaitu), jika seseorang mati dan dia tidak mempunyai anak tetapi mempunyai saudara perempuan, maka bagiannya (saudara perempuannya itu) seperdua dari harta yang ditinggalkannya, dan saudaranya yang laki-laki mewarisi (seluruh harta saudara perempuan), jika dia tidak mempunyai anak. Tetapi jika saudara perempuan itu dua orang, maka bagi keduanya dua pertiga dari harta yang ditinggalkan. Dan jika mereka (ahli waris itu terdiri dari) saudara-saudara laki-laki dan perempuan, maka bagian seorang saudara laki-laki sama dengan bagian dua saudara perempuan. Allah menerangkan (hukum ini) kepadamu, agar kamu tidak sesat. Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.”

(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 176)

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