Rabu 19 Sep 2012 22:30 WIB

ACT to rehabilitate Rohingya housing

Rep: Satya Festiani/Bambang Noroyono / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Around 50 thousands Rohingya people take refugee in Baw Pha Du camp in Sittwe, Rakhine, Myanmar. (illustration)
Foto: Khin Maung Win/AP
Around 50 thousands Rohingya people take refugee in Baw Pha Du camp in Sittwe, Rakhine, Myanmar. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia's non-governmental organization, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), is ready to rehabilitate several housings of ethnic Rohingya in Sittwe, Myanmar. Deputy President of ACT, Syuhelmaidi Syukur, said the rehabilitation could be conducted after the conflict in Rakhine was stopped.

"We plan to do it," Syukur said on Tuesday.

ACT gathered any available data of the housing condition when the organization successfully entered the location of the conflict. Syukur said ACT currently had gathered billion IDR from people to help the ethnic minority of Myanmar.

ACT activists will depart for Sittwe again this week to deliver the aid. The first contingent of ACT was placed in several refugee camps, such as in Bangladesh and Sittwe.

Earlier on the late August, Indonesian Red Cross delivered the aids for Rohingya. The aids were in the form of 500 hygiene kit (such as toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, detergent, towel, and bucket), 3,000 blankets, and 10,000 saroong.

Sebanyak 50 ribu jiwa pengungsi etnis Rohingya lari menyelamatkan diri dan tinggal di kamp pengungsi Baw Pha Du di Sittwe, Negara Bagian Rakhine, Myanmar, Rabu, (1/8).


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