Senin 01 Oct 2012 22:37 WIB

Wow... A monument of Maluku in Netherlands!

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The Monument of Maluku has been built in Kamp Laarbrug in Ommen, Netherlands to commemorate Maluku housing in the region. The existence of Malukus in Netherlands brought special nuance to Indonesia-Netherlands bilateral relationship. (illustration)
The Monument of Maluku has been built in Kamp Laarbrug in Ommen, Netherlands to commemorate Maluku housing in the region. The existence of Malukus in Netherlands brought special nuance to Indonesia-Netherlands bilateral relationship. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - The Monument of Maluku has been built in Kamp Laarbrug in Ommen, Netherlands to commemorate Maluku housing in the region. Imitating a seashell in a wooden post, the monument was officially opened by Indonesian Ambassador to Netherlands, Retno LP Marsudi and Ommen Major, M J Ahne.

The ceremony was attended by several people from the first generation of Maluku who lived in Netherlands. About 250 people of Maluku who live in Swolle and several public figures of Maluku also attended the ceremony.

"Maluku community can live with the Netherlands without losing its roots of culture," Retno said on Monday on the press release.

The Ambassador emphasized that the existence of Malukus in Netherlands brought special nuance to Indonesia-Netherlands bilateral relationship. The community acts as a knot of the bilateral relationship.

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