Selasa 29 Jan 2013 19:36 WIB

Empty oil and gas wells threaten investment on exploration

Rep: Sefti Oktarianisa/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
An oil rig in Bojonegoro (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Aguk Sudarmojo
An oil rig in Bojonegoro (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Investment on oil and gas exploration is threatened as many oil and gas fields empty. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Temporary Working Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SK Khusus Migas) are urged to solve the problems.

"This is a bad precedent and government must pay attention on it," Executive Director of Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, said on Monday.

He said that Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and SK Khusus Migas must verify the data of oil and gas blocks and also re-study the data of preexploration and geology of oil and gas fields before offering to the investors. Contractors cooperation contract (KKKS) must also contain temporary exploration data.

Deputy of Operation Management at SK Khusus Migas, Gde Pradyana, said risk of failure in investment was common in oil and gas exploration. Failure can occur due to dry wells and KKKS' different technique of exploration.

"The ration of success in oil and gas drilling in Indonesia is better compared to other countries. It even reaches 30-40 percent," Pradyana said.

Oil and gas investment in 2013 is predicted to reach 26.2 billion USD, higher than that of 2012, which is 21.88 billion USD. Investment in 2012 comes from 274 contractors.



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