Selasa 30 Apr 2013 23:13 WIB

Jamsostek targets 30 million customers

Rep: Friska Yolandha/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
State-owned insurance company, Jamsostek targets 30 million workers as their customers in 2013. (illustration)
State-owned insurance company, Jamsostek targets 30 million workers as their customers in 2013. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ‪JAKARTA - Indonesian state-owned insurance company, Jamsostek plans to protect 30 million workers in 2013. Now, the company has more than 28 million workers as their costumers.

President Director of Jamsostek, Elvyn G Masassya said that Indonesian potential workers have reached 110 million. "Unfortunately, they have not been covered yet all by health insurance," he said on Tuesday.

In West Sumatra, Riau and Riau Islands, Jamsostek has covered only 50 percent of workers. In the first quarter of 2013, Jamsostek harvested 973.4 billion IDR as net profit. It was 44.3 percent or 2.19 trillion IDR from the target of the end of 2013. Performance of funds managed by Jamsostek in the first quarter of 2013 was increase 16.5 percent or 4.01 trillion IDR. The company target to reach 24.85 trillion IDR as fund managed.

Masassya added that the company planned to transform into Social Security Agency in 2014. But, the amount of insurance premium after the transformation is still under consideration by Jamsostek should pay after that.



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