Jumat 03 May 2013 20:30 WIB

Sharia Permata Bank has 170 thousands of non-Muslim customers

Rep: Qommarria Rostanti/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Head of Sharia Permata Bank, Achmad Kusna Permana explains the bank's performance in the first quartal of 2013, in Jakarta on May 5.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Head of Sharia Permata Bank, Achmad Kusna Permana explains the bank's performance in the first quartal of 2013, in Jakarta on May 5.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Sharia Permata Bank has 170 thousands non-Muslim customers or 38 percent of its total existing customers. Head of Sharia Permata Bank, Achmad Kusna Permana said that the bank had lots of benefits. 

"For customers, Islamic profit sharing system seems better than deposito, since it can be one percent higher that deposito," he said on Friday. 

Usually the non-Muslim customers are more interested in saving. The profit sharing in Islamic banking system has the highest rate, up to five percent. 

Systems and informatic technology (IT) in commercial banking, Permana said, helped channeling the non-Muslim customers to Islamic banking like Sharia Permata bank. He claimed that Sharia Permata Bank as good as commercial bank in term of service and products.

Bank Indonesia predicts the total assets of Islamic banking in Indonesia will reach 269 trillion IDR in 2013. The market share is expected to reach five percent in April and May. 

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