Kamis 24 Oct 2013 11:56 WIB

State owned bank officials alleged on US company's bribery scandal

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Money Politic (ilustrasi)
Money Politic (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Agus Martowardojo is waiting more reports of alleged bribery case on senior officials of state owned bank companies in Indonesia. It was involved a New York-listed company, Diebold Inc.

"If [we have] related informations to the case, we will help [the investigation]. It is because all bank supervision still in BI's authority. But, [let me know] which information? which banks? It is important to avoid slander," Martowardojo said on Wednesday night.

There are four state owned bank companies in Indonesia, namely BRI, BTN, BNI and Bank Mandiri. Allegation of bribery by Diebold Inc, it said, happened to three state owned banks.

Martowardojo said that procurement process in a bank was forbidden to receive any compensation from vendor to influence the bank's decision. He said that procurement system in state owned banks in Indonesia was sopisticated, which was able to minimize bribery practise against officers in the bank.

In an official statement, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said that Diebold subsidiaries in China and Indonesia spent about 1.8 million USD for travel, entertainment and other inappropriate gifts for senior officials of the bank. It was consisted of 1.6 million USD in China and 147 thousand USD in Indonesia.

Officials of state owned banks in China and Indonesia were given free trips to popular tourist destinations in US and Europe. However, the activity was recorded as legitimate training expenses in company's financial book.

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