Jumat 20 Dec 2013 06:14 WIB

BI: The Fed's stimulus tapering positive

Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowardojo
Foto: Aditya Pradana Putra/Republika
Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowardojo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said he was confident the impact of the Fed's stimulus tapering is "positive".

"The response of the global market is good . We see the general trends is toward improvement," Agus said here on Thursday.

He said the Fed has calculated the impact of its decision to cut its massive asset buying program.

The Fed's announcement of the trimming of the bond buying from US$85 billion to US$75 billion a month starting January , 2014 with fixed interest rate of 0-0.25 percent ended a condition of uncertainties in the market, he said.

"We see the the impact of the tapering is positive to the world as it has been well calculated," he repeated.

The exchange rate of Indonesian rupiah is slightly weakened , but it is more on the need for larger foreign exchanges every end of year, he said.

"Many companies need the US dollar to repay foreign debts every end of a year. But soon the condition would be normal again," he said.

However, the country needs to continue to seek to improve its economic condition, he said, adding, "we still have current account deficit that need addressing."

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