Rabu 16 Apr 2014 14:44 WIB

Bank Mutiara restructures the NPL credit

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bank Mutiara
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Bank Mutiara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former Bank Century, PT Bank Mutiara restructured its non-performing loan (NPL) credit from former management of Bank Century and got 135.8 billion IDR recorded as revenue in the first quarter of the year. Bank Mutiara's corporate secretary, Rohan Hafas said that value of debt payment of debtors reached 131.5 billion IDR or 12.9 percent of company's total NPL (1.015 trillion IDR).

Some debtors who paid their debts are Selalang Prima International, Polymer Spectrum Sentosa, Trio Irama, Akasia Prima and Cahaya Adiputra Sentosa worth 110.7 billion IDR, while the rest (20.8 billion IDR) came from retail debtors.

"The successful completion of debt restructuring proves its commitment and seriousness in improving management and performance of bank's health," Hafas said recently as reported by Friska Yolandha.

Other revenue came from the sale of repossessed assets of 2.2 billion IDR and debtors who got debts write-offs worth 2.1 billion IDR. The successful restructuring boosted Bank Mutiara’s work performance, reflected in profit of the first quarter 2014 worth 12.1 billion IDR.

However, there are former Bank Century's debtors that have not showed goodwill to settle their debts, such as Tranka Kabel, Catur Karya Manungal, Sentra Ideologis, Millienium Anugerah Sakti and Enerindo Resources. Tranka Cable for example is now facing bankrupt.

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