Jumat 28 Sep 2012 15:57 WIB

The sunken ship lies on the trench of Sunda Strait, dozens trapped

Rep: Mursalin Yasland/M Fakhruddin/Bilal Ramadhan/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Irmayanti (7 years) was cuddled by her grandmother after being recued alive in an acccident bewtween Bahuga Jaya and Norgas Cathinka tanker in Sunda Strait.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Irmayanti (7 years) was cuddled by her grandmother after being recued alive in an acccident bewtween Bahuga Jaya and Norgas Cathinka tanker in Sunda Strait.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MERAK - Search and Rescue Team is having a hard time evacuating the victims of collision between Bahuga Jaya and tanker Norgas Cathinka in Sunda Strait as the ferry is sinking to 80 meters below the sea or reach the trench of Sunda Strait. Their diving equipment is only able to reach 50 meters.

The Head of ASDP Indonesia Ferry Bakauheni, Yanus Lantenga, said the rescue depends on the weather and sea condition. The Chief of Lampung Police Department, Jodie Rooseto, said the victims were 172 people, including the crew. While 75 people of them have been taken to Merak Port, while 97 people are taken to Bakauheni.

"At least 18 people are still missing and may be trapped inside the ferry," he said.

However, the data is conflicting with data from Ministry of Transportation. Minister of Transportation EE Mangindaan said the evacuation was done as the rescued people had met the manifest. 

"The passengers are 213 people. Seven are dead," he said.

State-owned insurance company, Jasa Raharja, pays 25 million IDR to the heir of the deaths. Injured passengers also get 10 million IDR each.





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