Jumat 24 Jan 2014 03:21 WIB

Indramayu suffers the worst flooding in 30 years

Rep: Lilis Handayani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Flood (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Flood (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, INDRAMAYU -- Flood that hit Indramayu District, West Java continues to expand. There are 28 out of 31 districts suffered flooding and becoming the worst in last 30 years.

Secretary of Indramayu District, Ahmad Bahtiar said that Regional Disaster Management recorded that only three sub-districts did not affected flood, namely Bangodua, Sukagumiwang and Kedokan Bunder sub-district.

The worst flood is occured in Patrol, Sukra, Anjatan, Bongas, Juntinyuat, Balongan, Indramayu and Pasekan sub-district. In these areas, the water level reaches two meters.

Flood also spread to central and eastern region of Indramayu, namely Krangkeng, Karangampel, Juntinyuat, Balongan, Indramayu, Pasekan, Cantigi and Arahan sub-district. Water level reaches 30 cm to one meter in these areas.

Bahtiar said that flood in Indramayu this year was due to overflowed river coupled with many sewers used for sewage irrigation by a company, PJT East Tarum, which were slowly entering into residences.

"Sewers in urban areas, residences and towards the sea also increasingly narrow," Bahtiar said recently.

Head of Public Welfare Department in Indramayu District, Abdul Mutholib explained that his office had sent logistical support, such as rice and instant noodles to entire sub-districts affected flooded.

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