Senin 26 Jan 2015 16:00 WIB

Another KPK commissioner to be reported to police

Rep: C07/Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Zulkarnaen (right)
Foto: Antara
Zulkarnaen (right)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- After Bambang Widjojanto and Adnan Pandu Praja, another deputy chairman of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Zulkarnaen, will be reported to police by East Java Community Alliance. He is allegedly accepted 2.8 billion IDR bribe.

Presidium of East Java Community Alliance, Fathurrasyid, said that he would report Zulkarnaen on Wednesday, January 28. "We will officially report Zulkarnaen next Wednesday," he said on Monday, January 26.

Zulkarnaen is allegedly involved in corruption related on grants of Socio-Economic Community Treatment Program (P2SEM) in East Java on 2008. Fathur said Zulkarnaen accepted 2.8 billion IDR bribe to halt the investigation involving Governor of East Java Soekarwo.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations Division of Police Headquarter, Ronny F Sompie, said that police hadn't received any report on Zulkarnaen.

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