Kamis 26 Mar 2015 22:35 WIB

Jokowi wants to introduce Shinkansen train in Indonesia

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Shinkansen train
Foto: Railway-technology.
Shinkansen train

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NAGOYA -- Indonesia should have a Shinkansen high-speed train connecting Jakarta with either Bandung in West Java or with Surabaya in East Java, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said.

He made the statement after taking a ride on a Shinkansen train from Tokyo railway station to Nagoya to visit the Toyota Machimoto car factory on Wednesday, the last day of his visit to Japan.

The ride, which covered a distance of 353 kilometers, took one hour and 40 minutes.

The president affirmed that he will make a decision on introducing a Shinkansen high-speed train in Indonesia this year.