Senin 01 Jun 2015 15:54 WIB

East Java Golkar confidents to win Pilkada in 5 regencies/cities

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- DPD of Golkar Party East Java welcomed the peace or reconciliation agreement the two camps of the Golkar Party's central leadership. Secretary of DPD Golkar East Java Gesang Budiarso said that the deal becomes positive modal for cadres in the regions.

In East Java, Gesang said Golkar targeting to win local elections in at least five regions. These regions, according to him, was the regencies and cities led by Golkar Party.

The five regions, Gesang explained, were Gresik, Malang, Situbondo, Ponorogo and Pasuruan.

"On these regions, and other regions in East Java, we are doing recruitment of candidates," said Gesang contacted by ROL on Sunday, May 31.

Related to networking and nomination mechanism, according to Gesang, technically there were rules about it. Even so, he said, related to the special situation after reconciliation, it will be held coordination meetings with Golkar central board in Jakarta on next April 2.

Gesang did not mention any further, where the camp will held the coordination meeting. In East Java itself, Golkar cadres predominantly were supporting Aburizal Bakrie.

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