Ahad 06 Sep 2015 21:33 WIB

Give Rp 51 trillion investment, SKK Migas approves 18 field development

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Istimewa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A total of 18 field development plans proposed by oil and gas company, has been approved and recommended by Special Unit of Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) in the period of 1st January to 2nd September 2015. The total investment of the 18 field development is 3,652 billion US dollar or Rp 51 trillion.

"The state revenue is projected to reach 10,552 billion US dollar or around Rp 148 trillion," said the Head of Public Relations of SKK Migas, Elan Biantoro in Jakarta, Sunday (6/9).

The field development approved are among others, Put on Production (PoP) Gulamo Wells North-01, Rokan Block by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia with an investment of 1.2 million US dollar, which will increase production by 150 barrels of oil per day in 2015; Plan of Development (PoD) First, Parit Oil Field, Kisaran block by Pacific Oil & Gas as operator with an investment of 53.5 million US dollar, produce 1,300 barrels of oil per day in 2016.

Furthermore, the Plan of Further Development (PoFD) Foxtrot Field, ONWJ Block by PHE ONWJ with an investment of 425.5 million US dollar which will produce 11 thousand barrels of oil per day and 12 million cubic of gas per day in 2019; and revision PoD Tiung Blue Square - Jambaran, Cepu Block, with PT. Pertamina EP Cepu as operator with an investment of 2.056 billion US dollar which will produce 315 million cubic of gas per day and 1,300 barrels of oil per day in 2020.

"We expect support of all parties for the development of oil and gas field which is planned to run on schedule," said Elan.

He added, SKK Migas has received a revised submission of PoD Abadi field, Masela Block from INPEX on Wednesday, 2nd September 2015. In the revision of the PoD, INPEX submitted a floating liquefied natural gas facility with a processing capacity of 7.5 million tons per year.

"The discussion was conducted intensively so that any recommendations can be given to the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources," he explained.

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