Kamis 12 Nov 2015 08:34 WIB

Ambassador: Ambon can be developed as a hub port

Foto: Indonesia Travel

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- Ambon, the capital of Maluku province, can be developed into a port and turned into an international hub for western European countries, Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia Rob Swartbol has stated.

The statement was delivered by the ambassador after his meeting with the Maluku Governor, Said Assagaff, here on Wednesday.

"In addition, Ambon is expected to be an entrance-and-exit point for five Melanesian provinces of Indonesia, namely Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, West Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)," he said here on Wednesday.

The ambassador has committed to realize the mutual agreement.

Moreover, the ambassador also offered cooperation in tourism and education to train youth from the region.

"As a result of this cooperation, fish-catch of Maluku can be exported directly to western European countries," he said.

The Governor pointed out that Maluku has a lot of potential in the maritime and fisheries sectors.

"Maluku has the potential for sustainable fish catch of around 1.64 million tons per year or 26.3 percent of the national fish," the governor said.

Therefore, the governor will discuss the opportunity with the trade minister and four governors of other Melanesian provinces of Indonesia.

The governor stated that the cooperation should acquire legal backing and thus have complete certainty. The effort is intended to provide legal protection to the investors.

"I will involve the Head of the Maluku Prosecutor's Office (Kejati), Chuck Suryosumpeno, in the technical meeting on economy," he said.

"Western European countries are interested in importing shrimp, seaweed and tuna from Maluku. The opportunity should be availed of increase the welfare of the people," the governor said.

sumber : Antara
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