Selasa 06 Dec 2016 00:30 WIB

Hendardi says Attorney General Office is not professional in handling Ahok case

The Attorney General Office declared that the police investigation on Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) case of alleged religious blasphemy had been complete and in a matter of hours the dossiers had been submitted to the North Jakarta District Court.
The Attorney General Office declared that the police investigation on Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) case of alleged religious blasphemy had been complete and in a matter of hours the dossiers had been submitted to the North Jakarta District Court.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA =- Human right activist and chairman of the Setara Institute Hendardi has said the Attorney General Office is not professional in handling the blasphemy case of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

The Attorney General was not fair and too fast in declaring the dossiers of the case it received from police as complete, Hendardi said here on Monday. "In three days after receiving the dossiers from the police, the Attorney General Office declared that the police investigation had been complete and in a matter of hours the dossiers had been submitted to the North Jakarta District Court," Hendardi said.

Normally, it took at least four days for the prosecution office to declare a dossier of a case as complete, he said. "It is in contrast with the response of the prosecution office to dossiers of human right cases handed over by the National Commission of Human Right.

The Attorney General Office took years to respond to results of investigations by the National Commission for Human Right about gross human right violation, he said. He said the speed in processing the Ahok case showed that the Attorney General Office was not serious in studying the case, and tend to leave it to the court to handle the sensitive issue. "It does not only shows the lack of professionalism of the Attorney General Office, but it gives bad precedence in handling cases with political dimension in the future," he said.

From many cases with political dimensions, the Attorney General Office has often shown that it has no firm principles to uphold justice, he said. 

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