Rabu 21 Dec 2016 02:19 WIB

Four points that make the prosecutor rejects Ahok's exception

Rep: Dian Fath RIsalah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
On Tuesday (Dec 20), the general prosecutor read their response to defendant of religious blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok), exception. The prosecutor rejects defendant exception.
Foto: Republika/Dian Fath Risalah
On Tuesday (Dec 20), the general prosecutor read their response to defendant of religious blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok), exception. The prosecutor rejects defendant exception.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The general prosecutor stated four points that made them have to reject Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) exception as defendant of religious blasphemy case. During inaugural session of the trial held last Tuesday (Dec 13) at the temporary office of North Jakarta District Court in Gajah Mada Street, Central Jakarta, Ahok denied the charges. He did not admit insulting the Quran. 

In response to Ahok and his legal counselor exception, the prosecutor firstly mentioned the intention to insult or not insulting could not be proved only by hearing the defendant admittance. Related incidences nor purposes should also be considered. "Since the defendant is a candidate in gubernatorial election, he deliberately inserted a sentence related to the election when giving an remark," Head of the general prosecutor Ali Mukartono said on Tuesday.

Furthermore, Ali said the defendant is a Christian and his remark was stated in Seribu Island in an official visit as Jakarta governor. Ali argued the defendant deliberately stated his remark to the people who were mostly Muslims. "Reviewing the incident, it could not be seperated with the intention to put Al Maidah verse 51 as a means to deceive, fool in the election. Part of the intended elements will be proved at the next stage of the trial," Ali explained.   

Secondly, the prosecutor noticed Ahok boast about his work achievement and polices which he claimed showing his concern about Muslims religious activities. The prosecutor said it was normal for any civil servants. "It could not be a reason to justified. This objection is part of case material to be presented at the next phase of the trial," Ali said.

Thirdly, about Al Maidah verse 51 which Ahok said was addressed to his political opponents who he claimed afraid to compete with programs. He then accused his cowardly political opponent are using Al Maidah verse 51 to affect voters with the concept of "we share the same faith" so they would not vote for Ahok. The same statement written in Mengubah Indonesia published at 2008.

Responding to these remarks, Ali argued Ahok felt as if he is the most correct. Ali said all candidates running for elections has the right to use all means as long as it was in accordance with the law. 

Lastly, regarding Al Maidah verse 51 which according to a friend of the defendant was issued when there was an attempt of murder of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The defendant friend's said there were groups of Christian and Jewish who tried to assassinate Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Related to these remark, the prosecutor chose not to give opinion. "We can not clarify the source because it was only based on answers of the defendant friend," Ali explained.

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