Selasa 27 Dec 2016 01:16 WIB

ACTA to reports PMKRI for allegation of defaming and slandering Habib Rizieq

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The Central Board of Catholic Students Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PP-PMKRI) reported the Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq, to the Jaya Metro Police, on Monday. ACTA called the report as a slander.
Foto: Instagram
The Central Board of Catholic Students Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PP-PMKRI) reported the Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq, to the Jaya Metro Police, on Monday. ACTA called the report as a slander.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Secretary General of Board of Syuro Regional Representative Council of the Islamic Defender Front (FPI) Habib Novel denied the Grand Imam of FPI Habib Rizieq has insulted the Christian. His statement was to respond allegation filed by The Central Board of Catholic Students Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PP-PMKRI) to the Jakarta Metro Police on Monday. "It's impossible for someone named Habib Rizieq harrassing a religion because in our sruggle we're prohibited to insult religion," Habib Novel said.

Novel accused PMKRI has defamed Habib Rizieq. Furthermore, he said the police report was made only to divert the attention on the religious blasphemy trial held on Tuesday. The defendant was Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who was an inactive Jakarta governor. "It was only a defamation. A fabricated allegation and a diversion of issue to Ahok case. It was a cheap slander addressed to Habib Rizieq," he said.

As one of Patriotism Advocates (ACTA) team member, Novel said Rizieq always had dialogues and coordinated with interfaith leaders. "Just recently, Habib Rizieq titled Man of the Year by Chinese community. If PMKRI tried to play, if they want to report, it's their right. We will assist Habib Rizieq," Novel remarked when contacted by on Monday.

Novel would report PMKRI to the police in allegation of defaming and slandering Habib Rizieq.

Also read; PMKRI reports Habib Rizieq to Jakarta Metro Police

Previously, Rizieq was reported by PMKRI for allegedly harassing the Christians in a video that lasted in 21 seconds spreading via Twitter and Instagram. In the video, Rizieq said, "If he said, Habib Rizieq, Merry Christmas, what does it means? It means congratulations for the birth of Jesus Christ as the son of God. I replied, Lam yalid walam yuulad, God is neither begets nor is born. If God gave birth, who becomes the midwife? “

According to Chairman of PMKRI Angelius Wake Kako, the sermon was held at Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta. People were laughing after hearing Rizieq sermon. "We felt humiliated over hate speech by Habib Rizieq," he said after filed a police report. The report was accepted and recorded as file number LP/6344/XII/2016/PMJ/Dit Reskrimsus on the date of December 26, 2016 with Angelius Wake Kako as complainant.

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