Selasa 11 Apr 2017 21:19 WIB

Prosecutors ask extra time for preparing warrant of Ahok's case

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Public prosecutor Ali Mukartono
Foto: Antara/Pool/M Agung Rajasa
Public prosecutor Ali Mukartono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jakarta -- Panel of the judges in alleged blasphemy trial decided to postpone the reading of charges against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). The trial will be continued on next Thursday (April 20). "Because of the prosecutors have not ready to read the charge, the court is adjourned," Judge Dwiarso Budi Santiarto said on Tuesday.

Before making the decision, Dwiarso asked the prosecutors whether they were able to prepare the charge on the same day. He did not mind postponing the trial for hours as long as it could be held on Tuesday. "Are you ready or not?" he asked at the courtroom in the Auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture, South Jakarta.

Also read: No change of schedule on Ahok's trial

At first, public prosecutor Ali Mukartono explained his team was not ready with the charge because of they need more time to finish typing it. Judge Dwiarso doubted the reason. "How come with so many people, you were unable to finish the warrant?" he remarked.

Ali then remarked that he wanted the warrant become more comprehensive. The judges finally agreed to postpone the trial with a notion the defendant's plea against charges will be held five days afterwards, less than a week. "The plea should be held on April 25," he reiterated.

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