Sabtu 22 Apr 2017 03:24 WIB

Sultan Hamengkubuwono's name is falsified in fake news

Rep: Rizma RIyandi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Sultan Hamengku Buwono X filed a police report on fake news that falsified his name to DIY Police, Wednesday (April 19).
Foto: Republika/Rizma Riyandi
Sultan Hamengku Buwono X filed a police report on fake news that falsified his name to DIY Police, Wednesday (April 19).

REPUBLKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN – At the same time withthe second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election, Yogyakarta Palace's Leader Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X's name was mentioned in a racial hoax. 

The fake news came with title "Sorry this is not racial, but Chinese descent is not proper to lead Nusantara land. By historical fact, Tionghoa is the only one betrayer in Indonesian Republic."  

The news was massively spread through Whatsapp group and tweets. The content referred to a link of 

A researcher of Center of Digital Forensic Study (PUSFID) UII, Yudi Prayudi said the website containing the news was fake. It aimed at deceiving the readers. 

“The technique was known as phising, a deceive targeted the users to access a typical website, aimed at misusing their data," he said. 

In this case, phising website was used to make the news seemed as an official website. The top level domain .tk in is a free top domain. Everybody could register the domain.  

Dot tk domain referred to Tokelau Government, one of an archipelago in South Pacific region. To get a tk domain, somebody should only registered to"  

“The way is to do a forward domain. When we see the website, we can see that the real website is only a blog made by Blogspot engine,” said Yudi. 

The domain of was only used as a beginning to access a blog domain in Blogspot. Yudi said he needed to know more about the blog address and its owner.

Meanwhile, the contain uploaded in the website address of sultan-hamengkubuwono-maaf-bukan.html was written by a person named Rosa Linda on April 17 at about 20:45 p.m. 

Yudi said the blog had rather similar contents to hak-milik-tanah-di-yogyakarta. It was written by Ferdiansyah on Sunday, Oktober 30, 2016 at 06:27:09 a.m. 

Yudi said the similarity reached 76 percents. The content written by Ferdiansyah mentioning the opinion of Salim A. Fillah on the reason Chinese people did not have any right of land ownership in Yogyakarta.  

From the writing, the story behind the policy was revealed. Out of the historical fact, the writing containing a personal opinion of Salim.  

The original writing uploaded by Ferdiansyah contained 419 words, while the other by Rosa Linda contained 191 words. 

“The problem is that the content of Rosa Linda's writing using a language style where Sultan seemed to share his own opinion. It was supported by an illustration showing him interviewed by the members of media," he said.  

The writing potentially made readers thought that Sri Sultan HB X shared his own opinion related to certain ethnical issues. In fact, there was no explicit sentences showed his opinion.  

Based on the Constitution, Rosa Linda has violated article 28 verse 1 and 2 of Law No. 11 year 2008 on the distribution of fake news and hoax and information distribution to spresd hatred among individuals or groups based on ethnics, religion, race and groups. 

A short tracking to the account of Rosa Linda showed the same account was also registered on Google+ with the same name. However, further information was needed related to it. 

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